Integrated Medicine
In both Western and Eastern medicine, there are pros and cons. It is called Integrated Medicine that incorporates the best of both Western and Eastern medicine. The word, Complementary and Alternative Medicine: CAM was created to have the meaning of complementing and supplementing general Western medicine. Alternative medicine is a generic term for treatments such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, shiatsu, massage, and chiropractic that does not fit in the category of Western category.
The way of thinking in Complementary and Integrated Medicine is important. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: NCCAM (Currently known as National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: NCCIH) was set up in the National Institute of Health: NIH in 1992. Over $120,000,000 was invested in research fees for CAM field in 2005 and every year, this amount seems to be growing. Many Complementary and Integrative Health centers were started in colleges all over the United States with the funds at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: NCCIH and each center does research on what each college specializes in.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus of Acupuncture reported in 1997 that "studies have demonstrated that acupuncture can cause multiple biological responses, mediated mainly by sensory neurons to many structures within the central nervous system. This can lead to activation of pathways affecting various physiological systems in the brain as well as in the periphery. Acupuncture may also activate the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, resulting in a broad spectrum of systemic effects. Alteration in the secretion of neurotransmitters and neurohormones and changes in the regulation of blood flow, both centrally and peripherally have been documented. There is also evidence of alterations in immune functions produced by acupuncture."
Body Craft Treatment Session
Every session is customized for you
Communication is most important in Complementary and Integrated Medicine. A treatment plan that best fits the patient is created as each practitioner communicates with other practitioners. This is Complementary and Integrated Medicine. However, in reality, communication between practitioners is very difficult. In the current situation, from a doctor's diagnosis to a physical therapist, it is not possible to create a treatment plan for a patient from rehab, massage, acupuncture, and nutrition instruction, where each professional fully understands each practice. It is not complementary or integrated when the patient is receiving treatment separately from each practice based on their own choice.
At Body Craft, we improve your condition faster and more precisely than anywhere else.
The practitioner that has mastered various areas from rehab exercise (western medicine), acupuncture (eastern medicine), Chinese herbal medicine (eastern medicine), to Electro-Acuscope/Myopulse creates a personalized plan for each patient based on their condition.
Patients that have been told that their medical condition is caused by their age so nothing can be done or others that have been told they need surgery have come to us and become healthy again where they are able to live a pain free, healthy life.
Please don't give up even if your doctor tells you to, or if there is lack of progress, or because of age. Believe in the potentials of the human body. There is more potential than you think there is in your body. We guarantee that your body will get better so please feel free to contact us for a consultation.